
Slingofer - Servicing and original spare parts

Servicing and original spare parts


We strongly believe in servicing, to bring tongs back to their original condition and guarantee duration over time.

The Slingofer production department, dedicated to servicing, ensures clients the least time possible for intervention to avoid machine downtime.

If, during the servicing phase, we have to make changes to the initial design, our technical office provides complete support to meet the needs of each client.

We will:

Restore the initial conditions of the equipment, according to its residual life.

Improve the equipment with the latest technologies, both regarding the materials used and for safety.

Redrafting a new user/maintenance manual and the new certification.

Draft and issue the declaration for the residual life of the equipment, calculated according to the standards and technical reference tables, based on the use cycles declared by the client.

Original spare parts

Tongs are an essential tool in many industrial activities and, as such, are subjected to considerable stress, especially when used in aggressive and/or heavy-duty works.

As a result, wear of the components is inevitable and periodic replacement of these elements is essential to guarantee maximum safety.

Slingofer can provide original spare parts and has an efficient spare parts service for individual parts.


The Slingofer technical staff is at your disposal for any information or clarification regarding the handling problems of the company.

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